At Drysdale Clinic we offer telephone appointments.

These appointments are for repeat scripts, non urgent result follow up and or for a respiratory illness. This appointments are for a quick consult lasting not more than 10 minutes.

Telephone appointments are also used for our Doctors to follow up on a recent Health Care Plans, Health Assessment and or Heart Health Check’s that you have recently had with one of our nurses.

These appointments will also only be no longer than a 10 minute telephone consult with no other health items discussed at this time. 

If any patients would like to discuss other health items with the Dr, you will need to book another appointment wither face to face in the clinic or a telephone quick appointment.


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Enquire about Telephone Consults at Drysdale Clinic​ today.

Other services

Caring for the Elderly

Mental Health

Child and Adolescent Health

Family Medicine

The Health Program

Skin Checks

Men’s Health

Women’s Health

Sports Medicine
